Fetal Complications of Pregnancy, Part 2
Continues with part two of his video on fetal complications during pregnancy, including oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios, Rh incompatibility, fetal demise, and multiple gestations.
Fetal Infections in Pregnancy
A comprehensive review of major fetal infections, such as HSV, zoster, CMV, rubella, Hepatitis B, HIV, syphilis, and toxoplasmosis. The major sequelae associated with these infections are also covered. Learn how to treat and how to prevent transmission of these very serious diseases to the fetus and infant.
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Discusses the differences between complete and partial molar pregnancies. Discover which of these is more likely to become malignant and what treatments are available for those patients.
Hirsutism and Virilism
Teaches on various topics including PCOS, theca lutein cysts, functional ovarian tumors and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Learn the normal and abnormal physiology of androgens in the body, and how they cause the masculinization of women.
Hypertension and Pregnancy
A comprehensive video on hypertension and pregnancy. Learn how to diagnose and treat serious conditions like preeclampsia, eclampsia, and HELLP syndrome. Review which antihypertensive medications are safe in pregnancy and which should be avoided. Topics will also include management of eclamptic seizures.
Infections of the Lower Female Reproductive Tract
Covers a wide array of lower reproductive tract infections, including UTIs, STDs, molluscum contagiosum, and scabies. Become familiar with the key diagnostic criteria for each infection and then know how to treat them.
Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Gives a comprehensive review of infertility. Learn how to effectively recognize and diagnose this common problem. Also covers the most up-to-date methods of treating infertility with assisted reproductive technologies.
Maternal Infections in Pregnancy
Covers maternal infections in pregnancy, including urinary tract infections, bacterial vaginosis, chorioamnionitis, and group B strep. Learn how to diagnose these infections and the first-line antibiotic treatments.
Neoplastic Disease of the Vulva and Vagina
This video concentrates on neoplastic diseases including vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, vulvar cancer, vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia and vaginal cancer. Teaches the important aspects of early detection of these diseases, and how to treat them.
Normal Labor and Delivery, Part 1
Provides the first of three videos about normal labor and delivery. The topics covered in detail include maternal changes before labor, and the evaluation of labor and monitoring of the fetus in labor. Learn which pregnancies are more likely to progress normally and how to recognize the warning signs of abnormal labor.
Normal Labor and Delivery, Part 2
Continue with the second of three videos concerning normal labor and delivery. video topics include the cardinal movements of labor, the stages of labor and the actual techniques of delivery.
Normal Labor and Delivery, Part 3
Presents the third and final video on normal labor and delivery. video topics include operative vaginal delivery, cesarean section, vaginal birth after cesarean, labor induction, pain control and birthing centers. Learn about some of major controversies associated with modern obstetrics and gynecology, and the growing trend toward delivering outside of hospitals.
OB/GYN 30-Day
ExtensionYou will have 30 days of unlimited access to the Solid OB/GYN video series. Once you subscribe, the video series will be available on your dashboard. You can Click to Start at any time to begin your 30 days. Prepare for your OB/GYN clerkship, sub-internship, or shelf exam with our comprehensive review of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
OB/GYN 60-Day
SubscriptionYou will have 60 days of unlimited access to the Solid OB/GYN video series. Once you subscribe, the video series will be available on your dashboard. You can Click to Start at any time to begin your 60 days. Prepare for your OB/GYN clerkship, sub-internship, or shelf exam with our comprehensive review of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
OB/GYN 90-Day
SubscriptionYou will have 90 days of unlimited access to the Solid OB/GYN video series. Once you subscribe, the video series will be available on your dashboard. You can Click to Start at any time to begin your 90 days. Prepare for your OB/GYN clerkship, sub-internship, or shelf exam with our comprehensive review of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Other Medical Complication of Pregnancy
Covers a wide variety of complications of pregnancy. The topics covered will include nausea and vomiting, seizures, maternal cardiac and renal disease, and complications associated with coagulation disorders. Substance abuse in pregnancy is also discussed, as well as maternal thyroid disease.