The Doctors In Training Solid OB/GYN video series offers you an opportunity to learn the high-yield information that you need to perform well on your rotations, prepare for shelf exams or review an area in which you need to strengthen your foundation. Taught by practicing OB/GYNs and DIT Chief Educator Chris Lewis, MD, the Solid OB/GYN video series is also useful to help prepare for your USMLE Step 3 exam.
- Each video includes a Quick Review and End-of-Session Quiz to emphasize key points
- Each video comes with a PDF study guide accessible through your personalized dashboard
- All videos are taught by physicians with relevant clinical experience
Take advantage of our 60- or 90- day subscriptions of an entire video series or purchase videos individually.*
*When purchasing individual videos, you will have 72 hours of unlimited access to watch each video once you click to play. After the 72 hours has completed, your access to that video will expire.
Abnormal Labor and Delivery, Part 1
Covers the topics of abnormal labor and delivery including preterm labor, tocolytic drugs, and premature rupture of membranes. Learn how to cope with unpredictable and potentially life-threatening labor complications that will need immediate intervention.
Abnormal Labor and Delivery, Part 2
Continues with part two of the video on abnormal labor and delivery. Topics include cephalopelvic disproportion, breech presentation, fetal bradycardia, shoulder dystocia, and uterine rupture. Learn the important maneuvers to dislodge a potentially deadly fetal shoulder dystocia.
Abnormalities of the Menstrual Cycle
Video on the broad subject of menstrual cycle abnormalities. Topics include dysmenorrhea, abnormal vaginal bleeding and postmenopausal bleeding. Understand the difference between premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
Discusses the differences between primary and secondary amenorrhea. Topics include the causes, risk factors and a logical approach to the diagnostic evaluation.
Antepartum Hemorrhage
Explains the various and potentially dangerous forms of antepartum hemorrhage. The topics covered in detail include placenta previa, placental abruption, uterine rupture, and fetal vessel rupture. Learn when not to do a vaginal exam and other life-saving techniques.
Benign Disorders of the Lower Genital Tract
A content-rich video on benign disorders of the lower genital tract. Topics include labial fusion, imperforate hymen, transverse vaginal septum, vaginal agenesis, benign epithelial disorders, and benign cysts and tumors. Learn how to distinguish these diseases from one another, and how to treat them.
Benign Disorders of the Upper Genital Tract
Gives a focused video on the benign disorders of the upper genital tract including fibroids, polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, and ovarian cysts. Learn how to diagnose and treat these very common medical problems.
Breast Cancer
Concludes our video series with a very important video on breast cancer. Special focus is given to screening, diagnosis, and treatment of this common malignancy. Learn which women are at an increased risk for developing breast cancer and when screening should start for those patients.
Cervical Neoplasia and Cervical Cancer
Discusses cervical neoplasia and cervical cancer. Learn the appropriate screening for cervical disease, as well as the treatment algorithm for the various abnormalities found on Pap smears. Find out why the screening criteria for cervical cancer has changed dramatically over the years.
Provides a comprehensive review of contraception and sterilization. Learn the pros and cons of the various methods including IUDs, oral contraceptives, natural methods, transdermal patches, progestin-only therapy and emergency contraception.
Diabetes During Pregnancy
Covers the topics of diabetes and pregnancy in depth, including the diagnosis and treatment of both gestational and pregestational diabetes. Learn the major complications associated with diabetes in pregnancy, and how to screen patients effectively.
Early Pregnancy Complications
Gives a thorough overview of many of the most worrisome complications of early pregnancy. The diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, incompetent cervix, and recurrent pregnancy loss is covered in detail.
Elective Termination of Pregnancy
Discusses the controversial topic of elective termination of pregnancy with emphasis on medical and surgical methods of elective abortion. Learn the potential risks and benefits of each methods and their potential complications.
Endometrial Cancer
Covers the epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of endometrial cancer. Learn the difference between type I and type II endometrial cancer. Discover the potential link between bleeding in postmenopausal women and endometrial cancer.
Endometriosis and Adenomyosis
Endometriosis and adenomyosis are very common disorders affecting many women in the United States Discusses their most common presentations and how best to diagnose these problems. Will compare and contrast these diseases and then detail the treatment options.
Fetal Complications of Pregnancy, Part 1
Teaches how to avoid and treat many of the fetal complications seen during pregnancy. The topics covered include intrauterine growth restriction, macrosomia, and postterm pregnancy.