Cranial Nerves IVI
This video covers a review of the nervous system, cranial nerve modalities, and cranial nerves I-VI. Clinical correlations include testing of the cranial nerves discussed.
Cranial Nerves VIIXII
This video covers the anatomy and modalities of cranial nerves VII-XII. Clinical correlations include testing of the cranial nerves.
Deep Face Part 1
This video covers the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves of the retromandibular fossa. The borders of the temporal and infratemporal fossa are detailed. Also, there is a discussion of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and the muscles of mastication. TMJ dysfunction syndrome is introduced in the clinical correlation.
Deep Face Part 2
This video discusses the contents of the infratemporal fossa, and the pterygopalatine fossa. Trauma to the pterion is considered in the clinical correlation.
Elbow, Wrist and Hand
This video covers the bones, joints, and actions of the elbow, wrist, and hand. The clinical correlation includes a discussion on fractures of the distal radius.
External Ear and Tympanic Cavity
This video covers the structures, blood supply, and innervation of the external ear and tympanic cavity. The clinical correlation discusses otitis externa, otitis media, and conductive hearing loss.
Face and Scalp
This video covers the muscles of facial expression, cutaneous blood supply, and innervation of the face and scalp. The clinical correlation discusses Bell's palsy.
The joints, muscles, and nerves of the forearm, and the antecubital fossa are discussed in this video. Epicondylitis is covered in the clinical correlate.
Hand, Part 1
This video covers the bones and joints of the hand. Also included is a description of the muscles and tendons associated with the extensor and flexor compartments of the hand. The clinical correlation includes a discussion on carpal fractures.
Hand, Part 2
This video covers the intrinsic muscles, blood supply, and innervation of the hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome is discussed in the clinical correlation.
Inguinal Region
This video will discuss the embryology of the inguinal ligament, and the inguinal region.
Inner Ear and Physiology of Balance
This video covers the anatomy and physiology of balance, and the nerve and blood supply of the inner ear. The clinical correlation includes a discussion on vertigo.
Inner Ear and Physiology of Hearing
This video covers the physiology of hearing, and the anatomy of the cochlea. The clinical correlation includes congenital hearing loss and Meniere’s disease.
Intrinsic Back Muscles
This video covers the axial (intrinsic) muscles of the back. Back strains and sprains are discussed in the clinical correlation.
Introduction 01
This video includes a brief history of the science of anatomy, as well as basic anatomical terminology, and an overview of the histology of the skin. Clinical correlations include planes of the body with regard to radiology, and Langer's lines.
Introduction 02
This video includes basic introductory information on fascia, connective tissue, bones, and joints. Clinical correlations include necrotizing fasciitis, compartment syndrome, osteoporosis, and arthritis.