Tag Archives: Step 2

finger print for biometric check in procedure while taking USMLE

Biometric Check In Process

Biometric check-in is an in-depth process that will include taking a series of measurements of a student’s fingertips and creating a unique identity for the student’s finger. In addition to the fingerprint measurements, the student will be required to have their I.D. digitally scanned in order to expedite the check-in and check-out process while taking breaks throughout the day. Continue reading

Pharm Ad and Research Abstract Questions on Step 2 CK

Pharm Ad and Research Abstract Questions on Step 2 CK

The United States Medical Licensing Board has announced that there will be new items added to the Step 2 CK examination as early as August 3, 2011. These new items’ formats will assess an examinee's ability to appropriately interpret information presented both in the form of a research abstract and a pharmaceutical advertisement.
Students should be prepared to be able to analyze a pharmaceutical advertisement and answer multiple choice questions about the following areas as related to the pharmaceutical covered in the ad:
a) Biostastistics/epidemiology
b) Pharmacology/therapeutics
c) Development and approval of drugs and dietary supplements
d) Medical ethics
e) Decisions about individual patient care
In addition, students will be asked to interpret a clinical or experimental research abstract and answer questions related to:
a) Biostatistics/epidemiology
b) Use of diagnostic studies
c) Pharmacology/therapeutics
d) Decisions about patient care
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Quick Energy Foods

Quick Energy Foods for Busy Med Students

Probably the last thing you think about while studying for your board exams is how to eat well. You are often so busy that even microwaving something seems to take too much time. However, you increase your chances of developing chronic illnesses when you rely on instant and fast foods that are high in fat and low in nutrients. Also, those foods don’t give you the...
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Positive Thinking

Changing to Positive Thinking for USMLE Board Preparations

It is so easy to slip into making negative statements when preparing for boards. As our earlier article discussed, this type of thinking and talking can actually result in poorer self-esteem and reduce performance. Affirmations, and generally turning negative thinking into positive thoughts, can become self-fulfilling prophecies and motivate you to greater heights. Here are some examples of negative things we think and say to and about ourselves during board preparation, as well as some suggestions for turning those thoughts around to work for you instead of against you.
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