Have You Applied to Enough Residency Programs 2012?

We have created the chart below for you from data from Results of the 2011

NRMP Applicant Survey: by Preferred Specialty and Applicant Type.

Use the numbers in the chart to guide you to as to whether you have submitted enough applications to your specialty and transition year. If you are a top student in your class and are applying to a less competitive specialty, then you may not need to submit as many applications as indicated on this chart. However, if you are a less competitive student applying to a more competitive specialty or even medium level specialty, you should consider applying to more programs than the medium number listed in the chart. Any student that has experienced some academic difficulty should consider applying to more programs that indicated by the medians on the chart. It is not too late to do so before the end of September or early October. Overall, the median number of applications and interviews across the specialties has increased since 2009. We will post a comparison chart in the next few days.

Median Number Applications/Interviews U.S. Seniors 2011 - NRMP Data
Specialty Median Number of Applications Submitted Median Number of Interviews Offered Median Number of Interviews Attended Median Number of Interviews Ranked
Anesthesiology 25 15 10 10
Dermatology 63 11 9 9
Emerg Med 26 17 11 11
Family Med 15 13 9 7
Internal Med 18 12 9 9
Med/Peds NA NA NA NA
Neuro 17 14 10 9
Neuro Surgery 40 27 16 16
OB/Gyn 27 16 11 11
Ortho 50 16 11 11
Otolaryngology 48 14 12 12
Pathology 20 13 10 9
Pediatrics 17 14 10 9
PMR 16 12 9 8
Plastic Surgery 50 15 12 12
Psychiatry 17 12 9 8
Radiology 42 16 13 13
Rad Oncology 40 15 11 11
Surgery 34 17 12 12
Transitional Yr 26 12 9 9
Total Surveys = 8880




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